Servizi Funebri Nebuloni provides legislative consulting services to companies with which it collaborates within the framework of the regulations governing the field of funeral services.
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Legislative consultancy
Kindly find below the main regulatory and legislative sources of funeral honours.
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Legge regionale n. 33-2009
Title VI Rules on prevention and health promotion Chapter III "Regulations on necropsy, funeral and cemetery activities and services" (Art. 67 - Art. 77) This Chapter regulates the activities and services related to death, respecting the dignity and the different religious and cultural conditions of each person, in order to protect the interest of funeral service users, also through correct information, and to imbue health surveillance activities with principles of effectiveness and efficiency.
DPR 285 del 10 settembre 1990 - Regolamento di polizia mortuaria
These Mortuary Police Regulations govern the activities and services related to:
- Reporting the cause of death and ascertaining deaths (Chapter I)
- Period of observation of corpses (Chapter II)
- Observation depots and mortuaries (Chapter III)
- Transport of cadavers (Chapter IV)
- Diagnostic investigation (Chapter V)
- Release of cadavers for study purposes (Chapter VI)
- Removal of cadaver parts for therapeutic transplantation (Chapter VII)
- Autopsies and treatments for the preservation of the corpse (Chapter VIII)
- General provisions on cemetery services (Chapter IX)
- Construction of cemeteries. Cemetery plans. General technical provisions (Chapter X)
- Mortuary (Chapter XI)
- Autopsy room (Chapter XII)
- Common ossuary (Chapter XIII)
- Inhumation (Chapter XIV)
- Burial (Chapter XV)
- Cremation (Chapter XVI)
- Exhumation and Burial (Chapter XVII)
- Private burials in cemeteries (Chapter XVIII)
- Suppression of cemeteries (Chapter XIX)
- Special wards within cemeteries (Chapter XX)
- Private burials outside cemeteries (Chapter XXI)
- Final and transitional provisions (Chapter XXII)
Regolamento regionale Lombardia 6 febbraio 2007
This document summarises the main amendments to the regional regulation of 9 November 2004, no. 6 Regulation on funeral and cemetery activities.
Breve informativa in materia di rilascio certificazioni
Legge regionale n 22 del 18 novembre 2003
Regulations on necropsy, funeral and cemetery activities and services.
Legge n 130 del 30 marzo 2001 in materia di cremazione
Dispositions on cremation and ashes dispersal This law regulates the funeral practice of cremation and, in compliance with the wishes of the deceased, the dispersal of ashes.
Lombardia Circolare n 21 del 30 maggio 2005
Guidelines for the application of Regulation no. 6 of 9 November 2004 "Regulation on funeral and cemetery activities". The purpose of this circular is to clarify and better specify certain aspects of the reorganisation of the subject that have given rise to interpretative doubts. The references are to:
- Regional law 8 February 2005 no. 6
- Regional Law no. 22 of 18 November 2003
- Regional Council Resolution No 7/20278 of 21 January 2005
Bollettino ufficiale Regione Lombardia - Supplemento 8 marzo 2019
The document contains amendments and additions to Regional Law No. 33 of 30 December 2009 'Testo unico delle leggi regionali in materia di sanità'.
Other professional services
Transportation and repatriation services
Completion of all necessary procedures for the transfer and repatriation of the deceased.
Deceased transfer
We guarantee the highest degree of expertise in the deceased and ashes transfer.
We fully and effectively manage the bureaucratic formalities relating to funeral transport.