02 6469101

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Transportation and repatriation services

We support you in handling all activities and formalities related to the transfer of the coffin, both nationally and internationally.

Proven reliability, professionalism and trustworthiness

Our professional staff is at your complete disposal, taking care of any administrative, legal, and logistical issues that may keep you from bringing your deceased loved one to their final resting place.

As a company with long experience and knowledge in national and international repatriation, we have our own fleet of funeral service vehicles (efficient and versatile) in order to provide speedy repatriation and transportation services to and from countries accessible by road and by air.

National transportation service

Servizi Funebri Nebuloni guarantees a widespread territorial presence throughout Italy and cost efficient, time saving and high quality services.

Once the mandate has been received, our experts will take care of the transfer from the place of funeral wake to the final resting place.

Trasporto funebre Servizi Funebri Nebuloni

International repatriation service

We also support firms and families in the repatriation of the deceased from abroad.

We are in charge of all bureaucratic practices and procedures related to the repatriation or expatriation of the deceased: issuing of the mortuary passport and authorisations and documents necessary for transport.

Specifically we manage:

  • formalities for the issue of the mortuary passport
  • repatriation authorisations
  • expatriation authorizations

Why should you choose Nebuloni Funeral Services for your funeral transport?

Servizi funebri completi

Completeness of service


Time optimisation

Disbrigo formalità burocratiche

Processing of bureaucratic formalities

premio fisso

Cost containment

Titolarità del servizio

Full ownership of the service

Documenti di trasporto

Transport documents

Servizi Funebri Nebuloni fully manages all the bureaucratic formalities related to funeral transport as service for its funeral honours partners.

Bureaucratic formalities management

Over the past fifty years of activity we have matured solid skills in the management of the bureaucratic formalities that a funeral home has to deal with in the daily fulfilment of its services.

Thanks to our experience and professionalism we have become a reference point for other agencies. We ensure the proper handling of practical arrangements for the issue of funeral transport documents. We serve over 650 customers throughout Italy.

Dedicated staff

Our dedicated staff is at your complete disposal and will follow you in all the procedural phases required.

Benefits and advantages of our service

There are several benefits for companies that rely on our service:

  • completeness of the documentation
  • time optimisation
  • cost control
  • immediate and prompt supplying
  • full ownership of the service: the family will always refer to the company in charge, without necessarily getting in touch with Servizi Funebri Nebuloni. This approach preserves your image and your clients. Any necessary contact will be authorised by the company that owns the service.

Other Professional services

Deceased transfer

We guarantee the highest degree of expertise in the deceased and ashes transfer.

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We provide legislative consulting services within the framework of the regulations governing the field of funeral services.

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We fully and effectively manage the bureaucratic formalities relating to funeral transport.

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