Plan ahead service (My last will)

Servizi Funebri Nebuloni provides you with a plan-ahead service, an opportunity to plan your funeral arrangements in advance guaranteeing total respect for your wishes, in every single detail.

Why plan ahead?

Pre-planning relieves your family members of making decisions on your behalf at the time of need, and protects them from unforeseen and onerous efforts.

Defining in advance the type of funeral (burial or cremation) and the type of ceremony ( laic or religious) gives you the guarantee that your essential wishes will be respected. You can also detail each element such as the coffin, the funeral cortege itinerary, the texts or the music that will accompany the ceremony.

Reassuring your loved ones

Taking out funeral contract avoids a financial burden and organisational worries for your loved ones. We suggest that you inform a person close to you of your decision. This person can activate the contract at the appropriate time with our team.

Why choose Servizi Funebri Nebuloni for your funeral contract?

Nessuna tassa di iscrizione

No registration fee

Nessun limite di età

No age limit

rispetto delle volontà

Management and respect of your will

modifica volontà

Possibility of modifying your will at any time

premio fisso

Fixed premium

Our services and products

Your questions, our answers

Why sign a funeral insurance contract?

The loss of a loved one is a real ordeal. To avoid aggravating the mourning, you can plan and organise everything now. With a funeral contract you can finance your funeral in advance and relieve your loved ones of a financial burden when the time comes. You can define your wishes (civil or religious ceremony, burial or cremation, place of burial, special wishes, etc.) and make arrangements for the funeral. Signing your contract, you can be sure that your wishes will be respected by the funeral home of your choice.

At what age can I take out a funeral insurance contract?

You must be at least 18 years old. There is no ideal age to take out a contract and protecting your loved ones is a personal decision. Our policies are flexible and customisable.

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