Inheritance services
Servizi Funebri Nebuloni sustains the heirs in dealing with bureaucratic issues such as the “declaration of succession and simultaneous cadastral transfer”, providing highly qualified and trained personnel.
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Advising on inheritance declaration
Over the years we have widened our range of services to offer full support in succession and inheritance processes.
Servizi Funebri Nebuloni sustains the heirs in dealing with bureaucratic issues such as the “declaration of succession and simultaneous cadastral transfer”, providing highly qualified and trained personnel.

Declaration of succession: what is it and when to do it
The declaration of succession is the form that the heirs (or an Executor or other interested party) must submit within 12 months of the death of a deceased to the Italian Revenue Office “Agenzia delle Entrate”, and particularly to the office in whose area the deceased was resident.
The declaration of inheritance has a fiscal nature: the Italian Revenue Office will calculate whether any inheritance tax (i.e. property transfer and inheritance taxes) is due, depending on the relationship between the heirs and the deceased and the value of the estate.
Testate succession
Under Italian inheritance Laws of Succession, an individual may dispose of his estate in Italy either by making a will or alternatively, the estate will be passed to the heirs under the provisions of statutory rules.
In case of the absence of a will, the estate is distributed according to the principle of legitimate succession. If the individual has not disposed of all or part of his or her assets, the law intervenes to indicate how they are to be assigned and distributed and the so-called legitimate succession applies.
Legitimate succession also applies when the deceased has disposed of only part of his estate.
In the absence of heirs, the inheritance is devolved to the State, which is not liable for inheritance debts and legacies beyond the value of the assets purchased.
The declaration of succession is the legal instrument to protect testator’s family rights. Italian law provides that certain categories of family members have the right to receive a specific quota of the asset established by law:
- spouses,
- children, tenendo conto che a quelli legittimi sono equiparati quelli naturali, legittimati e adottivi,
- ascendants (father, mother, grandfather, grandmother),
- collateral relative,
- other relatives until the sixth degree of connection,
- Italian State.
What are the inheritance rights of children
Legitimate children, born during a marriage, are treated in the same way as natural children, provided that they are recognised voluntarily by their parents.They succeed their parents in equal shares by law.The status of legitimate child is also acquired directly by the adopted child: who is therefore not simply treated as a legitimate child, but as such for all intents and purposes.
How spouse succession works
The spouse is fully entitled to the inheritance. The spouse shall be entitled to the entire inheritance only in the absence of children, relatives in the ascending line, brothers and sisters; otherwise, he shall contribute to the other legitimate heirs in accordance with statutory quotas. The spouse who is divorced without charge shall enjoy the same rights as the spouse who is not divorced.
The spouse has the right to live in the family home and to use the household effects. In the event of the absence of children, the spouse is entitled to the entire inheritance.
The spouse and a child:
- 50% to the child,
- 50% to the spouse.
The spouse and two or more children:
- 1/3 to the spouse as a reserved quota (legitimate quota),
- the remainder to children as legitimate share
Why choose Servizi Funebri Nebuloni for inheritance services?



Our services and products
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The main services include: certifications, welfare practices, legal advice, notary advice, succession, psychological counselling.
- orthography: the will must be handwritten by the testator alone
- date: indication of the day, month and year on which the document is written
- signature: the document must be subscribed/signed by the author of the act
- object: who the beneficiaries of the assets are and which provisions must be complied with
We guarantee an extensive network of assistance and support from consultants, professionals, legal and notary offices, to help you deal with the family challenges that follow the loss of a loved one. Many of these activities are free of charge and dedicated to those who rely on our organisation.
For our transparency, professionalism and punctuality.