Which are the main post-mortem services provided?
The main services include: certifications, welfare practices, legal advice, notary advice, succession, psychological counselling.
Which are the formal criteria for the validity of a holographic will?
orthography: the will must be handwritten by the testator alone date: indication of the day, month and year on which the document is written signature: the document must be subscribed/signed by the author of the act object: who the beneficiaries of the assets are and which provisions must be complied with
Why choose Servizi Funebri Nebuloni for after life services?
We guarantee an extensive network of assistance and support from consultants, professionals, legal and notary offices, to help you deal with the family challenges that follow the loss of a loved one. Many of these activities are free of charge and dedicated to those who rely on our organisation.
Why choose our inheritance service?
For our transparency, professionalism and punctuality.
What does our consultancy on inheritance procedures consist of?
It consists of comprehensive and customised consultancy in which we take care of the preparation and publication of the holographic will.
What does our succession consulting service consist of?
We support heirs in dealing with inheritance practices and their submission to the Agenzia delle Entrate.
What is Quiete Digitale?
The website that helps you manage your digital assets during your lifetime and your digital legacy after your death, while respecting your privacy.
What is a holographic will?
It is a type of will that must be written, signed and dated in the testator’s own hand, as stipulated in Article 602 of the Civil Code.